Wedding Day

The climax of the wedding is the Fetching the Bride 接新娘, when the Groom and his bestmen fetch the Bride at the Bride’s home. This is also when the famous gate-crashing occurs, where the bestmen go through a series of challenges and 'bribe' the bridesmaids to past through the gate.
As the Groom fetches the Bride back to his place, this is where the Tea Ceremony for the Groom's family will take place.
A quintessential tradition, the Tea Ceremony represents the formal introduction of the couple as newlyweds to their families. It also symbolises the filial piety towards to their parents, grandparents and elders as the couple serves tea to them.
The tea is brewed with ingredients that includes red dates (早生贵子), longan (圆圆满满), lotus seeds (连连生子), lily bulbs (百年好合), winter melon sweets (白头到老), and rock sugar(甜甜蜜蜜). All of them symbolise good blessings for the couple and good relations for both families.
After the Tea Ceremony at the Groom’s house, the Bride will change into a new outfit before returning to her parents' home. This symbolises the passing of 3 days (三朝回门), and signifies the start of a blessed union of the newlyweds. Tea Ceremony for the Bride's family will then take place there
Fun fact: The Groom should bring along some food gifts for the Bride's family so as not to return home empty-handed (不要空手回娘家).